Steinberg UR816C as an immersive interface/monitor

I have been searching for years for a single, cost-effective interface that could handle overall monitor control over 2.0, 5.1 and 5.1.4 (9.1) monitoring from a single volume knob control. Very long story short, with the help of my buddy Emiliano (, we found out how to control my entire system’s 10-outputs from the Steinberg UR816c’s single volume control. For those of you who only work in stereo, you probably won’t understand the significance of this, but for those who work in immersive mixing (music, film, tv, gaming, etc) will know that a single volume knob could cost up to $6k on its own. The UR816C is a great-sounding interface that lists for just over $600!

Here are the settings on the UR816c’s mixer page for setting up the monitor output routing:

Here are the settings in Steinberg’s Nuendo (or Cubase) DAW for the same routing in the monitor section (the best way to do this in a DAW environment):

All the best!